Truckers Freedom Convoy Is Coming to the USA! |
BREAKING NEWS: Truckers "Freedom Convoy!" is coming to the USA! Our lives are in danger! Please save us, Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau!!!
Check out Super #SJW Man: A Call-Out Culture Superhero (Satire), the true story of a super-woke superhero who saves the world through agitprop! https://amzn.to/3ITkGDF (Amazon affiliate link kicks a small portion of the purchase price back to me.) Very inspirational for these dark times we are living in, where TRUCK DRIVERS are acting like fascists by asking for FREE-DUMB!!!
Also, Cat Stevens is threatening to pull his music from Spotify UNLESS the following demands are met: (1) everyone converts to Islam (religion of peace); (2) we ban pork; (3) we force ALL WOMEN to wear the freedom hijab for female empowerment; and (4) EVERY PA system in the world broadcasts the Call to Prayer at the proper times of day. I think we should do what he says! I cannot live without hearing "Peace Train" at least three times each day on my Spotify playlist.
Finally, I argue that in order to save freedom, we must cancel anyone and everyone who disagrees with me, Joe Biden, or Justin Trudeau.
Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast, so you don't miss out on future episodes; and be sure to visit www.CrazyComedyHumor.com for even MORE craziness!
Also, check out this video calling upon our fearless leaders in the USA and Canada, Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau, to save us from truck drivers! If they don't, these truckers will probably elect Joe Rogan as President of the USA and some Nazi and anti-Semite like Gad Saad or Jordan Peterson as Prime Minister in Canada. Watch the video for details:
Video on YouTube (Rumble below)